Taumarunui revitalisation
NewsThe Ward Committee has considered what they would like to see as part of revised concept plans for the next round of community consultation.
River management Schemes up for consultation
NewsThe future of the Ohakune and Taringamotu Schemes for flood mitigation will be part of Horizons 2018-28 LTP consultation next year.
Youth Ambassadors impress
NewsWaimarino-Waiouru Youth Ambassadors from Ruapehu's award winning Youth Council impressed when they presented their Annual Plan to council.
Bridge programme opens up productive potential
NewsRuapehu's primary producers, forestry and tourism sectors are dependent on an efficient, effective and safe road network.
Council reviewing who pays for what and how
NewsCouncil is looking at how it funds its activities and who pays under an extensive review of its Revenue and Financing Policy.
Dog registrations and de-sexing offer deadline
NewsFri 30 June deadline looming for dog fee registrations and free de-sexing offer on menacing dogs.
What is economic development?
NewsRuapehu decision makers have been challenged as to how they think about economic development and council's role in it.
$1m for tourism infrastructure
NewsRuapehu has been successful in gaining just over $1m in government co-investment funding for tourism infrastructure projects.
Concept plan feedback extension
NewsDue to community requests the timeframe for feedback on the Raetihi township revitalisation concept plans has been extended.
Central Plateau Volcanic Advisory Group
NewsThe Central Plateau Volcanic Advisory Group (CPVAG) works to increase community resilience to volcanic hazards on the Central Plateau.
Slow uptake for free de-sexing offer.
NewsCouncil is urging owners of menacing dogs not miss out on the offer of free de-sexing of their pet before it becomes compulsory.
Council approves EAP funding proposals
NewsAlthough all councillors voiced strong support for Visit Ruapehu there was extensive debate on their marketing budget and who should pay.
Council supports new ultra-marathon
NewsA new ultra-marathon around Mt Ruapehu in April 2018 called the 'Ruapehu Ring of Fire' could become a signature-sporting event for the district.
Strong support for local museum
NewsThere is strong local support for utilising unused space in the Taumarunui Railway Station for a museum.
Rules designed to keep public spaces fun and safe
NewsCouncil will be out and about at reserves and sports grounds reminding people of the rules designed to ensure they are fun, safe places for everybody.
Tourism Thought Leaders Workshop
NewsNational tourism experts have lent their experience and insights to the Ruapehu Regional Visitor Development Plan.
PM opens Rangatira Chairlift & Snow Factory
NewsThe PM officially opened RAL's Rangatira Chairlift & Snow Factory at Whakapapa on Saturday part of a $100m 10 year investment programme.
Final diesel money allocated
News3 projects will share the remaining project money from the Makotuku River diesel contamination fines.
Taumarunui museum proposal
NewsA public meeting has been organised to discuss proposals for leasing unused space in the Taumarunui Railway Station for use as a museum.
New i-SITE at National Army Museum
NewsThe new National Army Museum I-SITE supports Ruapehu tourism and Waiouru township development.