Due to low river flows in the Makotuku River, it is requested that water is conserved wherever possible in the Raetihi township. Updates will be posted when levels are back to the required standard. We appreciate your cooperation during this time.
Due to low river flows in the Makotuku River, it is requested that water is conserved wherever possible in the Raetihi township. Updates will be posted when levels are back to the required standard. We appreciate your cooperation during this time.
The Annual Plan is prepared in years two and three after the adoption of the Long Term Plan (LTP). It outlines exceptions to what was forecast for those years in the LTP. As time goes by, unexpected things may occur that mean that adjustments need to be made to the plans, both in terms of projects and finances. Here's how the process works:
For Annual Plan editions earlier than those shown below please contact Council by email HERE.
Council consulted with the public regarding the 2023/24 Annual Plan as there were material changes to what was forecast in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan (LTP) for the 2023/24 financial year.
The consultation process involved Council communicating widely with the community, using a variety of methods, including a series of public meetings which can be found online at Council’s Facebook page