Living in Ruapehu Portal - Pūwhenua ki Ruapehu
How does the Portal work and what content is available?

The community narratives provide a 'reality check' on the hard data. Combining the narratives with the hard data allows users to gain a more nuanced understanding of life and its challenges in Ruapehu communities.
Who can use the Portal?
The portal is available free of use to anyone needing insights or understanding of Ruapehu's key data on services, economy, education, employment, health, housing and social wellbeing.
It would be helpful to anyone needing support for decision making in areas including; policy work, service planning, development projects, investment, resource allocation, funding requests amongst others.
The type of organisations that can benefit include; councils and CCO's, hapu and iwi, NGO's, health and other service providers, Government ministries, community organisations and others.
Is there a cost to using the portal?
No. The Portal is available free of charge.
Council wants to support better decision making and outcomes for Ruapehu communities. The Portal is a key tool in enabling this.
Is there support available to get the most out of the Portal?
Yes. Council can help you with getting information and insights from the Portal.
Email Candice at Council or call 07 895 8188.
What sort of benefits does the Portal provide?
- Accurate, timely data
- Insights and understanding of community wellbeing
- The ability to combine current hard data from key economic, social, environmental and cultural databases with insights into community wellbeing and the barriers to improving it.
- The ability to build a consensus with partner organisations including iwi on priorities, agree action points, funding criteria, and better target limited resources to improve community wellbeing and prosperity
- Unlock Government funding - Being a small rural council we face affordability challenges.
- Better decision making
- Supports good governance and leadership
- Helps build community trust and confidence in Council and local government
How are the community narratives of lived experience in Ruapehu captured?
Council with the support of a specialist independent community engagement facilitator undertook a series of workshops around the district to talk to a cross-section of people about their lives and experiences in Ruapehu.
The workshops were designed to provide a safe environment for people to share their experiences (good, bad and other) on key areas of wellbeing including; health, education, employment, access to services, the environment, culture, social wellbeing and any other areas they wished to share.
To ensure the narratives remain current and accurate Council will be undertaking new workshops on a regular, scheduled basis.
It is worth nothing that Council engages with our communities on a wide range of issues as part of our normal planning and service delivery. People are also encouraged to feedback to Council at any time. This other engagement and feedback helps to inform Council's wider understanding of our communities.
What is a Case Study example of the Portal helping improve community wellbeing?

The narrative discussions highlighted that the ability to participate in Council processes was difficult for our lower socio-economic communities. To improve the ability to participate in the 2022 local body elections Council put voting paper collection bins around the district.