Poultry means caged or free range poultry and the definition of poultry includes:
- Chickens
- Peacocks
- Geese
- Ducks
- Turkeys
- and domestic fowls of all description
Poultry must be kept in a manner that is unlikely to cause a nuisance or create a danger to human or animal health.
Roosters may only be kept in areas zoned Rural in the District Plan and must be kept at least 20 metres from an occupied dwelling.
A maximum of 12 poultry birds is permitted in all areas other than areas zoned Rural in the District Plan.
Poultry must be kept in a properly constructed poultry house, covered with a rainproof roof. Every poultry house and poultry run must be maintained in good repair, in a clean condition, free from any offensive odour or discharge and free from vermin.
Any poultry house or poultry run must be at least 10 metres away from any dwelling, factory, or any other building and at least two metres from the boundary of any adjoining premises.
Every poultry run, except those in areas zoned Rural in the District Plan, must be enclosed to confine the poultry. Free range poultry is only permitted in areas zoned Rural in the District Plan.