Rates and Water Payment Options
There are several ways to pay your Ruapehu District Council rates - these options are also listed on the back of your rates invoice. Payments are made to the oldest debt first.
Pay at the Counter
Rates may be paid by cash, eftpos or credit card, Monday to Friday, during the following hours and at the following offices.
Office Location | Hours of Service | Phone Number |
59-63 Huia Street, Taumarunui | 8.00am - 5.00pm | 07 895 8188 |
Ayr Street, Ohakune | 8.00am - 5.00pm | 06 385 8364 |
Seddon Street, Raetihi | 8.30am - 4.00pm | 06 385 4447 |
From the 25th May 2021 we will no longer be accepting cheques.
Online Credit Card
Payments can be made online with Visa or MasterCard.
A service fee of 2.49% per transaction (minimum fee $1.00) is applied by our bank, Bank of New Zealand. This amount will show as BNZ Service Fee on your statement. Ruapehu District Council does not receive any part of the fee.
You should check with your card issuer for details about other fees or charges that may also apply, as this transaction is carried out in terms of the arrangement between you and your card issuer.
Direct Debit Arrangement
You can make regular payments by direct debit in weekly, fortnightly, monthly, due date or annual instalments by arrangement. Weekly and fortnightly payments can be debited on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Monthly are debited on the 20th of each month.
A Customer Services Officer can assist you to calculate your payments for your direct debit arrangement and complete the forms.
You can download the direct debit form or contact your local office to request one. (Please note: When printing out the Direct Debit Payment Arrangement form all pages are required to be included.)
Send completed forms to Ruapehu District Council, Private Bag 1001, Taumarunui 3946 or by email at [email protected]
Automatic Payment Arrangement
You can make smaller regular payments by automatic payment through your bank, in weekly, fortnightly or monthly instalments by arrangement.
A Customer Services Officer can assist you to calculate your payments for your automatic payment arrangement and complete the forms.
Internet Banking
Log on to your internet banking site and select Ruapehu District Council from your bill options. If you own more than one property, you must set up separate bill payment references for each property, to ensure correct allocation of your payments.
Our bank details are:
Name | Bank | Branch | Account Number |
Ruapehu District Council | Bank of New Zealand | Taumarunui | 02-0424-0150061-00 |
Use the following details for your references:
- Particulars: Full name with no spaces (max 12 characters) for example: bloggsjoe.
- Reference: Use your valuation number with no spacing: for example 0602422500BD.
Telephone Initiated Direct Credits
Contact your bank to set up Ruapehu District Council on your phone banking. Make sure you use your valuation number as a reference.
Metered Water Supply Payments
You may pay by cash, EFTPOS or credit card. Payments may be made online with Visa and MasterCard (there is a bank fee for this service). Automatic payments and direct debit payments can be arranged by contacting Customer Services at your local Council Office.
Internet banking payments and telephone initiated payments should be direct credited into:
Name | Bank | Branch | Account Number |
Ruapehu District Council | Bank of New Zealand | Taumarunui | 02-0424-0150061-00 |
Use the following details for your references:
- Reference: Water Billing account number for example: WB0000
If you receive more than one Metered Water Invoice, you must set up separate bill payment references for each meter, to ensure correct allocation of your payments.